Corp News Final.jpg


Background:  A fictious newlsetter for Bath & BodyWorks Company which demonstrates a multipage spread layout with a corporate focus. 

The Design:  The idea behind this newsletter is to highlight the main events that have occurred in the company, provide interesting work tidbits and training for employees and let them know what’s next for the company. 

Often times, corporate newsletters are not the most riveting read so by displaying the information with lots of images and graphics, it’s meant to hold the reader’s attention. Additionally, the multicolumn grid, san serif typeface, bolded headers and titles provides guides for readers, thus establishing an easy read.  To note, the brand colors and geometric theme are also carried throughout the composition to reniforce cohesiveness and brand recognition/identity. 




Spread Layout View

Single Page View

First Page2.png
Ed Design Assignment 3 - 4pg Spread Edited Final single page2.png
Corp News Final Double Spread4.png
Corp News Final5.jpg
Corp News Final6.jpg
Corp News Final9.jpg