Background: A non profit organization was in search to rebrand their logo in which I volunteered to provide them with samples. The organization speaks to empowering individuals – those living with social, cognitive, physical, and/or emotional needs – through expressive art programs to enhance health and well–being.
The Challenge: I felt the original logo was too text heavy and lacking a graphic component considering their organization is about steps to healing through art. Avoiding overcomplication, but to still effectively communicate all the directives, I simplified the logo by using abstract graphics and text instead in hopes to "visually" appeal to the audience.
The Designs:
Pebbles Logo: A simple graphic demonstrating ones “step towards healing” and the attainment of healing/achievement/ success at the top from completing the program. By tying the name of the organization and tagline with the graphic makes the organization self explanatory to the audience.
Palette Logo: The palette was chosen for its symbolism of art to the general audience. By using simple icon figures helping one another up a flight of stairs fully demonstrates a sense of community, healing, support and turning over a new leaf in one’s life. I felt it appropriate to have the organization’s name on the steps to reiterate the pun of “going up the steps” and the motion of going upwards should direct the readers’ eye that it should be read from bottom up. The tagline is excluded here as the palette is self explanatory that this organization involves an aspect of art.
Stairs Logo: Simplifying the palette logo and replacing it with the organization name instead to keep the logo even cleaner, but still having the graphic component to tie it back to art which is reiterated in the tagline. By breaking up the organization name and tagline with a graphic makes it feel less text heavy on the eyes.
Word Art Logo: A mix of text and graphic to entice the audience to want to learn more about the organization. By including knockout graphics of art in each letter of "Step," and having the text stand out in a contrasting color grabs attention and alludes to the audience that the organization involves art, but also has them beg the question of "how so" which makes them want to learn more. Again, tagline is not included as the logo already demonstrates there is an aspect of "art" to the organization.