Popular Sewing Logo Final-400px.96-01-01-01.png
Popular Sewing Logo ALT1-01-01.png
Popular Sewing Logo ALT1-02-01-01.png


Background:  Approached by a Sewist who decided to start her own sewing company after her efforts to help with sewing masks during the covid-19 pandemic, she requested my services for a logo design. I was honored to be able to help such an amazing individual with her next endeavor.

The Design:  Modern, simple & impactful. The sewing machine, meant to be the main focus, takes center stage as a silhouette. Adding the halo behind it gives even more emphasis that the company is using modern sewing machines for their operations. The color orange was chosen to represent a company of vitality and energy, also it’s friendly and inviting

Of secondary importance was “Toronto” so the audience is aware of the company’s geographical reach. Centering it underneath the company name in smaller font works to highlight it, especially standing out from the line work.

Variations:  Other variations were created experimenting with various colours and backdrops against the sewing machine